The Ultimate Guide To Laundry Room Remodeling

When you look for small room interior design or you want to remodel your laundry room, effective planning is necessary for creating a space that is functional, enjoyable to use, cost effective and attractive as well. With primary room design objectives that include green building safety organisation planning and workflow, you will have unique space operational with minimal effort and at a cost that suits your budget. If you are looking forward to remodeling your laundry room or setting up a dedicated space for laundry, get in touch with an Interior design consultant Kolkata today! 

Finding a suitable place for your laundry room

You need to determine the place for your laundry room. It is not like guest bedrooms that can be placed in any section of the house. Well, some homes create a dedicated space for this purpose. 

When this is the case, you can easily design your laundry room. But, if you do not have a dedicated space for a laundry room, then it can be an expensive and difficult job of installing drainage, water and gas pipes. However, nothing is impossible! With the help of residential or commercial interior design Kolkata consultants, your dream of having a dedicated laundry room can come true. As per as Indian living room design is concerned, placing your laundry room upstairs in the living areas makes it more comfortable and convenient to integrate drawing and washing clothes into your normal routine. 

Look for dryer and washer

As the dryer and washer are the prime elements of the laundry room, it usually is wise to begin early to shop for a dryer and a washing machine. Your choice of appliances will dictate the layout and design of your laundry room. 

Plan the layout of your laundry room

Once you have a dedicated space, you need to decide on the layout of the room and the footprint in that space. This is where you need the help of a dedicated interior design consultant Kolkata. A corridor style laundry room is a narrow and long room with appliances and cabinets on one side. When it comes to larger spaces, you can also think of an L shaped laundry room that provides you with more count to top space for clothes folding. 

Designing the laundry room

Home interiors often receive the style treatment, but when it comes to Indian living room design, the laundry room is generally ignored. It is time to break from the norm and design your dedicated laundry space for matching the style of your home and create a new environment all together. Find a suitable paint colour to catch attention and motivate others. Consult residential or commercial interior design Kolkata consultants. 

How to create a safe laundry room?

Your laundry room should be kept safe from the possibility of slipping, poisoning and electric shock. Make sure to keep your kids away from the laundry room. It is advisable to wear gloves while washing clothes and drying them. 

Cost and budget of remodeling the laundry room

You need to decide in advance about the budget you are going to spend on the laundry room remodelling. A low cost room is mostly concentrated around adding counters, cabinets and economical flooring. A mid range modeling will provide you with a complement of countertops and cabinets and a better quality flooring. A high cost remodelling may incorporate any of the earlier items along with a premium cabinet, payout change and extras. 


When you have finally decided to move ahead with your laundry room remodelling, make sure to be eco conscious and make your laundry room green. Consult a consultant for residential or commercial interior design Kolkata or an Interior design consultant Kolkata for making the most out of installations and designs. 

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